Sunday 7 August 2016

Why eat your veggies when you can drink?

The wellness world is buzzing about the need to eat 5-9 servings of fruit and vegetables daily unfortunately most people  hardly have a serving per day.
Juicing can be a convenient way of taking the required servings daily especially when you need to eat them raw. Did you say raw? Yucky right? but having to experiment with different kind of fruits and vegetables daily can be so much fun. To make the task easier, experts say we can either juice or blend.
The big question is: which is better? Juicing or blending.
To answer this question, it is better to tell the difference between the two.
Blending is the process of thoroughly blending the whole fruits and vegetables into smoothies without discarding any part of it. 
While juicing is the process of extracting the liquid contents with the aid of a juicer or hand press which automatically separate the juice from the pulp.
Some experts favour Juicing over blending while for some it’s the other way round and some say it makes no difference.
Studies however seem to show that smoothies are packed with more phytochemicals and are therefore better.

Why Smoothies

1.    Smoothies Provide Whole Food Nutrition – A smoothie is still a whole food, complete with fiber and all nutrients. Juices, on the other hand, are not whole foods. The fiber has been removed, along with any nutrients that are discarded with the fiber. Since dietary fiber is important for proper digestive function and overall health, it’s better to take your fruits and veggies whole.
2.     Smoothies Oxidize Slower Than Juices – It is often advised to drink juice as soon as possible after making it, while smoothies can last up to 72 hours in your refrigerator. The reason for this is that juices are highly susceptible to oxidation due to the way they are processed.            Studies have shown that juices oxidize at a much faster rate than green smoothies. In a study conducted by the Vegetable and Fruit Improvement Center Texas grapefruits were processed using common household practices such as blending,  juicing and hand squeezing  and then analyzed for their phytochemicals.  Result suggest that fruit processed by blending had significantly higher levels of flavanoids including compound called naringin. Naringin is a flavonoid that has been shown to have cancer-fighting properties as well as strong anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activities that may be beneficial for the treatment of diabetes and other metabolic disorder. This probably accounts for why smoothies do not oxidize as fast, and maintain the majority of their nutrients for longer periods of time.
3.   Fiber Slows Sugar Absorption – While the sugar content of sweet fruits are not a health concern for most people, juices made with sweet fruits or sugar-rich vegetables (carrots, beets) can essentially become a concentrated sweetener. Smoothies, on the other hand, are loaded with fiber which slows sugar absorption to a healthy level.
4.  Blending Takes Less Time – Blending is much faster than juicing. You can you’re your smoothie in 30 seconds depending on your fruit and vegetable combination.. Juicing requires cutting produce into smaller pieces. Feeding all of those pre-cut ingredients into the juicer is a time consuming process.                                                               
5.    Smoothies are filling – smoothies fill you up and may keep you satisfied until your next meal. Juices do not. Part of the reason is that a smoothie contains fiber, as well as all of the other nutrients that would otherwise be lost in the discarded fiber if juicing.The thick texture of smoothies feels like and digests like a proper meal, where juices do not. You can swap your breakfast or lunch for a delicious smoothie. I would advice adding protein powder though, if its intended as a meal replacement.
The above does not however mean that juicing is bad. While smoothies may be better, your juice is still packed with lots of vitamins and antioxidant.

If you find drinking your juice easier, keep juicing your favourite fruits and veggies and remember to experiment with more fruits/veggies every day.

Still finding it difficult to achieve your 5 a day? try more-than-5-a-day.

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